Saturday, 2 January 2010


Thursday was a bad day for pain. As I tied my shoes to leave Alicks's house, I did something to my hip. Intense, stabbing pain in the right side of my groin. Walking was excruciating. Alicks thought I was going to be sick, I looked that unwell.

Friday morning, I awoke. Stared at the ceiling. Contemplated getting out of bed.

I was scared.

I didn't want to get out of bed and feel that pain again. It was terrifying.

I have never been scared of pain before. I've decided that it's best to avoid painful situation, but I have never feared pain.

I did get up, eventually, and it wasn't too painful. Throughout the day it worked back up to full power, but the respite I got when I awoke was enough to hopefully prevent further morning fear. We hope.